Just one month away, Consensus is the largest event devoted to exploring the full ecosystem of blockchain and crypto. Normally it’s held in NYC but this year it’s moving to Austin (a more decentralized place, says Brad Spies, Managing Director of Consensus, the event’s creator).
You can check out the program and ambitious agenda but here’s the secret sauce. When you buy your ticket to the event you’ll also be invited to open a digital wallet that you can fill with DESK, the event’s unique social token. DESK is not a financial asset. It’s an engagement asset. The more things you do at the conference—attend a session, visit an exhibitor, head to the networking lounge—the more DESK tokens you collect. They’re redeemable for everything from merchandise to free food and drink. The more you participate, the more you earn. Exhibitors will be given DESK tokens as part of their exhibition package so they can kickstart their own activations. Consensus will have armies of folks helping people onboard and they are committed to making this social experiment in engaging events a win for all. Best of all, it’s a feedback loop for the Consensus team to understand who’s attracted to what. CoinDesk gets my vote for next-gen event execution.

Image credit: CoinDesk
The Consensus event will be built around a social token called DESK
that lets you earn and redeem tokens for engaging at the event.